
Welcome to ERS

ERS assesses the impact of an injury on a person’s ability to perform meaningful activities. ERS provides Functional Capacity Evaluations that clearly document your client’s abilities and limitations to perform personal care, homemaking, work, family and recreation activities, and work. These findings are used to bridge the gap between medical evidence and vocational findings related to employability; to set the foundation for an economic evaluation related to lost wages or loss of household services, which enable the attorney to determine realistic case values.

Who We Work For

Plaintiff Attorneys
Defense Attorneys
Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors
Companies With Injured Employees and Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) Issues
Individuals Who Need Ergonomic Evaluation

Let's Get Started

Contact our office today to book an appointment.


Functional Capacity Evaluations are provided to assess and document injured and/or disabled persons’ current functional capacities and limitations, and the impact on the person’s vocational status and overall quality of life.

Hand/Upper Extremity Functional Evaluations focus on how a person’s hand, wrist, elbow or shoulder injury affects their daily function for home, recreational and work activities.

In conjunction with the Functional Capacity Evaluation findings, the vocational analysis can determine if a person is able to return to his/her past or alternate work, with or without accommodations, or he/she is precluded from employment.

We assess a person’s Activities of Daily Living (ADL) and Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL) capacities and/or limitations to appreciate how his/her injury impacts the performance of personal care, homemaking, home maintenance, driving, recreation and leisure activities.

ERS provides case file reviews to assess if a treating therapist’s provided care was up to accepted standards or deviated from this level.

ERS provides workplace evaluations to assess for injury risk factors that can affect worker health and performance, and Physical Job Demand analyses to assess for whether there is a job match between injured workers’ abilities and those required for safe job performance.

Ellen Rader Smith

Expert Occupational Therapist in NY & NJ

Ellen Rader Smith is a Licensed Occupational Therapist (NY & NJ), Certified Vocational Evaluator and Certified Professional Ergonomist, with over 30 years of rehabilitation expertise…


New Jersey Law Journal - Expert Witness Best of 2022
New Jersey Law Journal - Vocal Rehabilitation Hall of Fame 2022
New Jersey Law Journal - Vocational Rehabilitation Best of 2022


What Clients Say

Ellen’s report helped make the whole case real, as it allowed me to appreciate a day in my client's life with respect to the physical and emotional toll the injury had upon his total quality of life.

Raymond Gill, Esq. Gill & Chamas

Case Studies

Woman with post-surgery shoulder pain

Upper Extremity

40-year old woman, 2.5 years post shoulder surgery, after which she was diagnosed with a right brachial…

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Man with devastating leg injury

Leg Injury Assessment

51-year old construction worker, 1.5 years post injury and 10 left leg surgeries to salvage a crushed leg…

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Woman with spinal injuries

Cervical and Lumbar Spine Evaluation

Homemaker with spinal injuries following a motor vehicle accident

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