FCEs in the Vocational Evaluation Process
The FCE provides critical information as part of the vocational evaluation process. FCE findings indicate if a person is able to return to his past work based upon a Physical Demands Job Analysis and if so, in what capacity or with what limitations and/or what accommodations; to alternate work based upon transferable skills; to alternate work that requires job retraining; or if the person is no longer capable of competitive employment.
The Vocational Evaluation
The therapist/vocational evaluator addresses the aforementioned return to work scenarios as it pertains to various types of cases:
- Personal injury
- Medical malpractice
- Automobile
- Social Security
- Long Term Disability
- Employment cases
Case Studies
Upper Extremity
40-year old woman, 2.5 years post shoulder surgery, after which she was diagnosed with a right brachial…
Leg Injury Assessment
51-year old construction worker, 1.5 years post injury and 10 left leg surgeries to salvage a crushed leg…
Cervical & Lumbar Spine Evaluation
Homemaker with spinal injuries following a motor vehicle accident